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SSH ISO 13270:2013

Fibra çeliku për betone - Përkufizimet dhe specifikimet

Steel fibres for concrete — Definitions and specifications
6 nën 2015

General information

60.60     27 korr 2015


DPS/KT 133

International Standard

77.140.15     91.080.40  




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ISO 13270:2013 specifies definitions and symbols, classification and codes, dimensions, masses and permissible variations, inspection methods, packing, delivery and storage for steel fibres for concrete.
ISO 13270:2013 covers fibres intended for use in fibre-reinforced concrete, in all types of concrete and mortar, including sprayed concrete, flooring, precast, in situ and repair concretes.
ISO 13270:2013 can also be referred to for fibres used in fibre-reinforced engineering material, such as stainless steel fibre use in reinforced refractory material.

Life cycle


SSH ISO 13270:2013
60.60 Standard published
27 korr 2015

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Adopted from ISO 13270:2013


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