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SSH EN 50598-3:2015

Projektimi ekologjik për sistemet e transmetimit të fuqisë, starterat e motorit, elektronikën e fuqisë dhe pajisjet transmetuese të tyre - Pjesa 3: Afrimi sasior i projektimit ekologjik përmes vlerësimit të ciklit jetësor duke përfshirë rregulloret e kategorisë së produktit dhe përmbajtjen e deklaratave mjedisore

Ecodesign for power drive systems, motor starters, power electronics and their driven applications - Part 3: Quantitative eco design approach through life cycle assessment including product category rules and the content of environmental declarations
21 sht 2015

General information

60.60     16 korr 2015



European Norm

13.020.20     29.160.30  




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This part of EN 50598 specifies the process and requirements to implement environmentally conscious product design principles, to evaluate ecodesign performance and to communicate potential environmental impacts for power electronics (e.g. complete drive modules, CDM), power drive systems and motor starters, all used for motor driven equipment in the power range of 0,12 kW up to 1 000 kW and low voltage (up to 1 000 V) applications over the whole life cycle.
It defines the content for 2 different environmental declarations based on EN ISO 14021:
- The basic version - which, in this context, will be referred to as an environmental declaration type II, with basic data and qualitative statements on ecodesign.
- The full version - which, in this context, will be referred to as an environmental declaration type II+, based upon a life cycle assessment and including quantitatively evaluated potential environmental impacts. For that the general principles of EN ISO 14025 are taken into account and product category rules [PCR] for motor system components are included to ensure a harmonized approach.
This part of EN 50598 is harmonized with the applicable generic and horizontal environmental standards and contains the additional details relevant in this context for the above mentioned products.

Related directives

Directives related to this standards.


Life cycle


SSH EN 50598-3:2015
60.60 Standard published
16 korr 2015

Related project

Adopted from EN 50598-3:2015


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