This European Standard specifies a method for surveying aquatic macrophytes in running waters for the purpose of assessing ecological status, using these organisms as elements of biological quality. The information provided by this method includes the composition and abundance of the aquatic macrophyte flora.
This European Standard is applicable to all kinds of surface running water bodies, like natural brooks, streams and rivers and their heavily modified equivalents, as well as to artificial water bodies like canals or run-of-river reservoirs.
The general principles of the approach described in this European Standard may also be applied when monitoring water bodies in the fluvial corridor of a river, such as side channels and oxbows.
It is recognized that for a complete assessment of ecological status, other elements of biological quality should also be assessed.
Directives related to this standards.
Direktiva 2000/60/EC e Parlamentit Europian dhe e Këshillit të 23 tetor 2000 që krijon një sistem për veprimin e Komunitetit në fushën e politikës së ujit (zëvendësues Reference Direktiva 01/991 - Pozicion i Përbashkët mbi WFD)
SSH EN 14184:2006
SSH EN 14184:2014
Standard published
16 dhj 2015