Complementary to Eurocodes 1 to 7 and 9. Additional provisions for the structural design of buildings and civil engineering works to be constructed in seismic regions where risk to life and/or risk of structural damage are required to be reduced. General requirements and rules for assessment of seismic actions and combinations with other actions. General rules for earthquake resistant design of buildings and specific rules for buildings and elements constructed with each of the various structural materials.
Directives related to this standards.
Rregullorja (BE) Nr. 305/2011 e Parlamentit Evropian dhe e Këshillit e datës 9 Mars 2011 që parashtron kushtet e harmonizuara për tregtimin e produkteve të ndërtimit dhe shfuqizimin e Direktivës së Këshillit KEE/89/106
SSH EN 1998-1:2004/A1:2013
Standard published
25 maj 2015
prSSH EN 1998-1-1:2024