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DS CEN/TR 16363:2012

Karakterizimi i mbeturinave - Prova kinetike për vlerësimin e potencialit të gjenerimit mbeturinave sulfhidrike nga industritë nxjerrëse

Characterization of waste - Kinetic testing for assessing acid generation potential of sulfidic waste from extractive industries
9 qer 2015

General information

60.60     9 qer 2015


DPS/KT 230

Technical Report





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This Technical Report describes the performance and evaluation of kinetic tests for sulfidic waste material that, according to previous testing (primarily acid base accounting), is likely to go acidic or when the result of such testing is inconclusive. This Technical Report also covers the issue of drainage from sulfidic material that is likely to be well buffered but that will produce a neutral drainage potentially affected by sulfide mineral oxidation.
This Technical Report will not include aspects of sampling and testing that are already covered in the overall guidance document for characterisation of extractive waste (CEN/TR 16376) or in the guidance document on sampling of wastes from extractive industries (CEN/TR 16365).

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DS CEN/TR 16363:2012
60.60 Standard published
9 qer 2015

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Adopted from CEN/TR 16363:2012


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