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DS CEN/TR 16412:2012

Siguria e zinxhirit të furnizimit (SCS) - Udhëzues i mirë praktikë për ndërmarrjet e vogla dhe të mesme

Supply chain security (SCS) - Good practice guide for small and medium sized operators
17 qer 2015

General information

60.60     21 jan 2015


DPS/KT 320

Technical Report





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This Technical Report aims to provide Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) basic knowledge about how to manage and mitigate the risk of criminal and terrorist activities. This is a shared objective for the private and public sector*. For the private sector, companies have gained experience on measures, which can assist in preventing security breaches from happening, to protect against supply chain interruption. Also some business standards have been developed identifying measures, which companies can execute in order to obtain labels which certify business operations and reward them with a security quality label. The public sector has developed security legislation which companies should either mandatory or voluntary apply into their business operations.
This Guide provides an easy-to-read overview on:
1) How SMEs can apply a supply chain security approach to their operations (Clause 2).
2) The main crime types in the supply chain including some measures to fight these crime types from occurring (Clause 3).
3) Supply chain security legislation and programs, with their respective compliance requirements (Clause 4).

*In the context of this guide, "supply chain security" covers risk management, crime prevention, security procedures and technologies, as well as security regulations and programs. The overview and examples in this book are based on recent academic work and interviews with experts in the field, including CEN SCS Feasibility Study (2010); EU FP7-LOGSEC Roadmap (2011) and interviews with CEN TC/379 experts.

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DS CEN/TR 16412:2012
60.60 Standard published
21 jan 2015

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