This European Standard specifies the requirements for foot valves for use on transportable tanks with a minimum working pressure greater than 50 kPa for the transport of dangerous goods by road and rail.
It is applicable to metallic equipment for use on tanks with gravity and/or pressure bottom loading and discharge for liquid chemicals and liquefied gases. It includes carbon dioxide while excluding refrigerated liquefied gases.
NOTE The standard is also applicable to liquefied gases including LPG, however, for a dedicated LPG standard see EN 13175 [3].
Directives related to this standards.
Directve 2008/68/EC e Parlamentit Europian dhe e Këshillit e 24 shtator 2008 e transportit të brendëshëm të mallrave të rrezikshme
SSH EN 14433:2014
Standard published
28 maj 2015