This document specifies the reference method for the testing of spectacle frames and sunglasses for nickel release.
The reference method supports the demonstration of conformity with the limit value for nickel release of 0,5 µg/cm2/week set forth by European Regulation and makes provision for a uniform application and control of the European legislation in all member states.
The reference method involves the following procedural steps (see also Clause 4):
- Simulation of wear and corrosion;
- EIS coating test (optional);
- Laboratory test: Release of nickel and its quantitative analytical detection.
This document applies to those parts of metal spectacle frames and those metal parts of combination spectacle frames that come into direct and prolonged contact with the skin of the wearer. This document also applies to those relevant metal parts of articles for eye and face protection, including sunglasses.
The EIS coating test method can be applied only to metal parts which have been coated with an organic, electrically insulating, layer.
This document does not apply to products other than spectacle frames and articles for eye and face protection, which includes sunglasses.
NOTE The reference method for products other than spectacle frames and of articles for eye and face protection, including sunglasses is specified in EN 1811:2011.
Directives related to this standards.
Rregullorja e KE/1907/2006 e Parlamentit Evropian dhe e Këshillit e datës 18 Dhjetor 2006 lidhur me Regjistrimin, Vlerësimin, Autorizimin dhe Kufizimin e Kimikateve (REACH), e cila krijon Agjencinë Evropiane të Kimikateve, dhe që ndryshon Direktivën e KE/1999/45 dhe shfuqizon Direktivën e Këshillit KEE/76/769 dhe Direktivat e Komisionit KEE/91/155, KEE/93/67, KE/93/105 dhe KE/2000/21.
DS CEN/TS 16677:2014
Standard published
20 gush 2014