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SSH EN 15772:2012

Mbulesa tekstili për dysheme - Kërkesat minimale për mbulesa dyshemeje me qepje një përdorimshe në rastet me kohëzgjatje të kufizuar

Textile floor coverings - Minimum requirements for needled floor coverings for single usage in events of limited duration
29 sht 2014

General information

60.60     19 gush 2014


DPS/KT 134

European Norm

97.150     59.080.60  




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This European Standard describes and specifies the minimum requirements for needled floor coverings in sheet form for single usage in events of limited duration. These floor coverings are intended to be adhered to the substrate.
This European Standard is both applicable to needled pile floor coverings for single usage in events of limited duration and needled floor coverings without pile for single usage in events of limited duration.
This European Standard is not applicable to tiles.

Life cycle


SSH EN 15772:2012
60.60 Standard published
19 gush 2014

Related project

Adopted from EN 15772:2012