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SSH EN 2824:2011

Seritë e hapësirës ajrore - Reagimi ndaj zjarrit i materialeve jo metalike nën ndikimin e nxehjes dhe flakës së përhapur - Përcaktimi i densitetit të tymit dhe i përbërësve të gazit në tymin e materialeve - Aparate, pajisje dhe mjete prove

Aerospace series - Burning behaviour of non-metallic materials under the influence of radiating heat and flames - Determination of smoke density and gas components in the smoke of materials - Test equipment apparatus and media
23 dhj 2014

General information

60.60     12 gush 2014


DPS/KT 320

European Norm

13.220.40     49.025.99  




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This standard defines the test equipment, apparatus and media required for determination of the smoke density according to EN 2825 and the concentration of the gas components in the smoke according to EN 2826 due to pyrolitic decomposition of solid materials and composite materials of up to 25 mm in thickness under the influence of radiant heat only or with simultaneous flame application.
This test method applies exclusively to materials whose specific standard requires this type of test. It cannot be substituted for the statutory tests required for a final specific use of the material concerned.
NOTE The smoke gas density and the gas components in the smoke are determined according to the specific environmental and test conditions defined in this standard, in EN 2825 and EN 2826. No studies have been made up to now to determine whether the results can be transferred to differing conditions, particularly to actual fire conditions. The inhalatory toxical risk and irritancy affect cannot be assessed by merely measuring the concentration of individual gas components in the smoke.

Life cycle


SSH EN 2824:2011
60.60 Standard published
12 gush 2014

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Adopted from EN 2824:2011