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SSH EN 14908-2:2014

Rrjet i hapur komunikimi të dhënash për automatizimin,kontrollet dhe menaxhimin e teknikave të ndërtimit - Protokolli i rrjetit të kontrollit - Pjesa 2:Ndërlidhja e pales së mpleksur

Open Data Communication in Building Automation, Controls and Building Management - Control Network Protocol - Part 2: Twisted Pair Communication
31 korr 2014

General information

60.60     31 korr 2014


DPS/KT 104

European Norm

35.240.67     91.140.01     97.120     35.240.99  




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This European Standard specifies the control network protocol (CNP) free-topology twisted-pair channel for networked control systems in commercial Building Automation, Controls and Building Management and is used in conjunction with EN 14908-1:2014. The channel supports communication at 78,125 kbit/s between multiple nodes, each of which consists of a transceiver, a protocol processor, an application processor, a power supply, and application electronics.
This European Standard covers the complete physical layer (OSI Layer 1), including the interface to the Media Access Control (MAC) sub-layer and the interface to the medium. Parameters that are controlled by other layers but control the operation of the physical layer are also specified.

Life cycle


SSH EN 14908-2:2005


SSH EN 14908-2:2014
60.60 Standard published
31 korr 2014

Related project

Adopted from EN 14908-2:2014