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SSH EN ISO 10218-2:2011

Robotë dhe pajisje robotike - Kërkesat e sigurisë për robotët industrial - Pjesa 1: Sisteme t robotë dhe integrimi

Robots and robotic devices - Safety requirements for industrial robots - Part 2: Robot systems and integration (ISO 10218-2:2011)
30 sht 2013

General information

60.60     30 sht 2013


DPS/KT 114

European Norm





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ISO 10218-2:2011 specifies safety requirements for the integration of industrial robots and industrial robot systems as defined in ISO 10218-1, and industrial robot cell(s). The integration includes the following:

the design, manufacturing, installation, operation, maintenance and decommissioning of the industrial robot system or cell;
necessary information for the design, manufacturing, installation, operation, maintenance and decommissioning of the industrial robot system or cell;
component devices of the industrial robot system or cell.

ISO 10218-2:2011 describes the basic hazards and hazardous situations identified with these systems, and provides requirements to eliminate or adequately reduce the risks associated with these hazards. ISO 10218-2:2011 also specifies requirements for the industrial robot system as part of an integrated manufacturing system. ISO 10218-2:2011 does not deal specifically with hazards associated with processes (e.g. laser radiation, ejected chips, welding smoke). Other standards can be applicable to these process hazards.

Related directives

Directives related to this standards.


Direktiva 2006/42/EC e Parlamentit Europian dhe e Këshillit të 17 majit 2006 për makinerinë, dhe amendimi i Direktivës 95/16/EC (rinovim)

Të harmonizuara

Life cycle


SSH EN ISO 10218-2:2011
60.60 Standard published
30 sht 2013

Related project

Adopted from EN ISO 10218-2:2011


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