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SSH EN 60544-2:2012

Materialet izolues elektrike - Përcaktimi i efekteve të rrezatimit jonizues në materialet izoluese - Pjesa 2: Procedurat për rrezatimin dhe provat

Electrical insulating materials - Determination of the effects of ionizing radiation on insulating materials - Part 2: Procedures for irradiation and test
7 tet 2013

General information

60.60     29 gush 2013



European Norm

17.240     29.035.01  




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IEC 60544-2:2012 specifies the controls maintained over the exposure conditions during and after the irradiation of insulating materials with ionizing radiation prior to the determination of radiation-induced changes in physical or chemical properties. This standard specifies a number of potentially significant irradiation conditions as well as various parameters which can influence the radiation-induced reactions under these conditions. The objective of this standard is to emphasize the importance of selecting suitable specimens, exposure conditions and test methods for determining the effect of radiation on appropriately chosen properties. Since many materials are used either in air or in inert environments, standard exposure conditions are recommended for both of these situations. It should be noted that this standard does not consider measurements which are performed during the irradiation. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: - alignment with standards recently developed by SC 45A as well as with other parts in the IEC 60544 series.

Life cycle


SSH EN 60544-2:2012
60.60 Standard published
29 gush 2013

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Adopted from EN 60544-2:2012

Adopted from IEC 60544-2 Ed. 3.0 b