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SSH ISO 10845-3:2011

Prokurim konstruksioni - Pjesa 3: Kushtet standarde të ofertës

Construction procurement — Part 3: Standard conditions of tender
27 nën 2013

General information

60.60     1 gush 2013


DPS/KT 254

International Standard





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ISO 10845-3:2011 sets out standard conditions of tender which

bind the employer and tenderer to behave in a particular manner,
establish what a tenderer is required to do in order to submit a compliant tender,
make known the evaluation criteria to tenderers, and
establish the manner in which the employer conducts the process of offer and acceptance and provide the necessary feedback to tenderers on the outcomes of the process.

ISO 10845-3:2011 is intended for use in procurements relating to goods, services and construction works and disposals other than by auction.

Life cycle


SSH ISO 10845-3:2011
60.60 Standard published
1 gush 2013

Related project

Adopted from ISO 10845-3:2011


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