Pajisje shtëpiake dhe pajisje elektrike të ngjashme me to - Siguria - Pjesa 2-104: Kërkesa të veçanta për pajisjet për rivendosjen dhe /ose riciklimin e lëngjeve ftohëse nga pajisjet e kondicionimit të ajrit deri tek pajisjet frigoriferike
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-104: Particular requirements for appliances to recover and/or recycle refrigerant from air conditioning and refrigeration equipment
Deals with the safety of electrical appliances to recover and/or recycle refrigerant from air conditioning and refrigeration equipment incorporating open drive or motor-compressors. The maximum rated voltage being not more than 250V for single phase appliances and 600V for all other appliances.
Life cycle
PUBLISHED SSH IEC 60335-2-104:2003 60.60
Standard published 16 tet 2013