Pajisje shtëpiake dhe pajisje elektrike të ngjashme me to - Siguria - Pjesa 100: Kërkesa të veçanta për ventilatorët elektrike të kopshtit që mbahen në dorë, fshirëset me korrent, fshirëset me ventilator
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-100: Particular requirements for hand-held mains-operated garden blowers, vacuums and blower vacuums
Deals with the safety of hand held mains operated electrical garden vacuums, blower/vacuums (with or without shredding means) and garden blowers, with a rated voltage of not more than 250 V single phase.
Life cycle
PUBLISHED SSH IEC 60335-2-100:2002 60.60
Standard published 16 tet 2013