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SSH EN 13418:2004+A1:2008

Makina për gomë dhe lëndë plastike - Makineritë mbështjellëse për filmat ose materialet e petëzuar relativisht hollë - Kërkesat e sigurisë

Plastics and rubber machines - Winding machines for film or sheet - Safety requirements
13 shk 2009
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard   23 pri 2014

General information

95.99     23 pri 2014


DPS/KT 114

European Norm



SSH EN 13418:2004+A1:2008 :: EN

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This European Standard specifies the safety requirements for the design and construction of winding, unwinding and rewinding machines for film or sheet manufactured from rubber, plastics and composite materials in respect of the significant hazards listed in clause 4.
A winding machine begins at the intake of the film or sheet into the winding machine and ends at the discharge position of the reel(s).
An unwinding machine begins at the take-up position of the reel(s) and ends at the film or sheet take-off point.
A rewinding machine begins at the take-up position of the reel(s) and ends at the discharge position of the reel(s).
In some machines the winding, unwinding and rewinding functions may be combined.
The following functional groups are covered by this European Standard:
- fixed point roll;
- film or sheet tension control;
- winding zone;
- reel change device;
- reel loading and unloading devices;
and the following additional equipment integrated into the winding machine:
- spreader roll device;
- longitudinal cutting unit;
- slitting device;
- film or sheet alignment device;
- static eliminator.
Technical safety requirements for the design and construction of aids for lifting and handling, e.g. of winding cores or reels, are not covered by this standard.
Technical safety requirements for the design and construction of thickness monitoring devices are not covered by this standard.
Hazards due to electro-magnetic radiation, e.g. from the use of thickness monitoring devices, are not covered by this standard.
Toxic or chemical hazards and hazards due to dusts, fumes or gases, which could occur from the materials being wound are not covered by this standard.
NOTE Directive 94/9/EC concerning equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres can be applicable to the type of machine or equipment covered by this European Standard. The present standard is not intended to provide means of complying with the essen

Related directives

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Të harmonizuara

Direktiva 2006/42/EC e Parlamentit Europian dhe e Këshillit të 17 majit 2006 për makinerinë, dhe amendimi i Direktivës 95/16/EC (rinovim)

Të harmonizuara

Life cycle


SSH EN 13418:2004+A1:2008
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard
23 pri 2014


SSH EN 13418:2013

Related project

Adopted from EN 13418:2004+A1:2008