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DS CEN/TR 16391:2012

Vibrimi dhe goditja mekanike - Vibrimi i transmetuar në dorë - Ndikimi i forcave çift në ndërveprimin makine dorë për vlerësimin e ekspozimit

Mechanical vibration and shock - Hand-transmitted vibration - Influence of coupling forces at the hand-machine interface on exposure evaluation
8 pri 2013

General information

60.60     17 jan 2013


DPS/KT 114

Technical Report





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This Technical Report provides an overview of the current state of knowledge on the relationship between vibration exposures, coupling forces and damage to the hand-arm system. It provides general guidance on how to build the reduction of coupling forces into workplace action plans to control vibration exposures and how the reduction of coupling forces may be incorporated into machine design. An example of an empirical relationship that accounts for the coupling force in assessments of vibration magnitudes is also provided.

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DS CEN/TR 16391:2012
60.60 Standard published
17 jan 2013

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Adopted from CEN/TR 16391:2012