This standard specifies miminum requirements for immunity and emissions regarding electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) for electrical equipment, operating from a supply of less than 1000 V a.c. or 1500 V d.c. intended for professional, industrial process and educational use, including equipment and computing devices for: measurement and test: control: laboratory use; accessories intended for use with the above (such as sample handling equipment), intended to be used in industrial and non-industrial locations. Computing devices and assemblies and similar equipment within the scope of information technology equipment (ITE) and complying with applicable ITE EMC standards can be used without additional testing. Where a relevant dedicated EMC standard exists, it shall take precedence over all aspects of this product-family standard. The following equipment is covered in this standard: a) electrical measurement and test equipment - - this is equipment which by electrical means This equipment which controls on e or more output quantities to specifi calues, with each value determined by manual settings, by local or remote programming, or by one or more input variables. This includes industrial process measurement and control (IPMC) equipment, which consists of devices such as: process controllers and regulators; programmable controllers (PC); power supply units of equipment and systems (centralized or dedicated); analogue/digital indicators and recorders; process instrumentation; transducers, positioners, intelligent actuators, etc. c) Electrical laboratory equipment - This equipment which measures, indicates, monitors or analyzes substances, or is used to prepare materials. This equipment may also be used in areas other than laboratories.
Directives related to this standards.
Direktiva 2004/108/EC e Parlamentit Europian dhe e Këshillit e 15 dhjetor 2004 për përafrimin e ligjeve të Shteteve Anëtare në lidhje me përputhshmërinë elektromagnetike dhe shfuqizimin e Direktivës 89/336/EEC
Të harmonizuara
SSH EN 61326:1997
Withdrawal of Standard
13 dhj 2012
SSH EN 61326-1:2006
SSH EN 61326-3-2:2008
SSH EN 61326-3-1:2008
SSH EN 61326-2-6:2006
SSH EN 61326-2-5:2006
SSH EN 61326-2-4:2006
SSH EN 61326-2-3:2006
SSH EN 61326-2-2:2006
SSH EN 61326-2-1:2006