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SSH EN 10029:2010

Pllaka çeliku të laminuara në të nxehtë me trashësi 3 mm ose më shumë - Tolerancat në përmasa dhe formë

Hot-rolled steel plates 3 mm thick or above - Tolerances on dimensions and shape
18 dhj 2012

General information

60.60     20 nën 2012


DPS/KT 133

European Norm





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This European Standard specifies tolerances on dimensions and shape for hot-rolled non-alloy and alloy steel plates with the following characteristics:
a) Nominal thickness: 3 mm < or = t < or = 400 mm;
b) Nominal width: w > or = 600 mm.
Tolerances for products of width w < 600 mm cut or slit from plate should be agreed between manufacturer and purchaser at the time of enquiry and order.
This European Standard applies, but is not limited, to steel grades defined in EN 10025-2 to
EN 10025-6:2004+A1:2009, EN 10028-2 to EN 10028-6, EN 10083-2 and EN 10083-3, EN 10084, EN 10085, EN 10149-2 and EN 10149-3, EN 10207 and EN 10225 (see also Annex A). It does not apply to stainless steels.
This European Standard does not include round plates, custom-made plates, chequer or bulb plate for flooring and wide flats.

Life cycle


SSH EN 10029:2006


SSH EN 10029:2010
60.60 Standard published
20 nën 2012

Related project

Adopted from EN 10029:2010


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