This European Standard specifies a laboratory test procedure for determining the clamping force exerted by the fastening system on the foot of a rail by measuring the force to separate the rail foot from its immediate support. It is applicable to systems with and without baseplates on all types of sleepers, bearers and elements of slab track. The test does not determine the security of fastening components fixed into the sleeper or other fastening system support.
This test procedure applies to a complete fastening assembly. It is not applicable to fastening systems for embedded rail.
Directives related to this standards.
DIREKTIVA 2008/57/EC E PARLAMENTIT EUROPIAN DHE E KËSHILLIT datës 17 qershor 2008 mbi ndërveprimin e sistemit hekurudhor brenda Komunitetit (rinovim)
SSH EN 13146-7:2006
SSH EN 13146-7:2012
Withdrawal of Standard
SSH EN 13146-7:2019