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SSH EN ISO 28927-10:2011

Mjete portative me motor mbajtur në dorë - Metodat e provës për vlerësimin e emetimit të dridhjes - Pjesa 10: Trapanët me goditje, çekiçët dhe thyerësit (ISO 28927-10:2011)

Hand-held portable power tools - Test methods for evaluation of vibration emission - Part 10: Percussive drills, hammers and breakers (ISO 28927-10:2011)
26 mar 2012

General information

60.60     26 mar 2012


DPS/KT 114

European Norm

13.160     25.140.10  




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ISO 28927-10:2011 specifies a laboratory method for measuring hand-transmitted vibration emission at the handles of hand-held power driven percussive machines with and without rotary action [portable rock drills, plug hole drills, rotary hammers, breakers (e.g. pavement breakers, concrete breakers or road breakers), riveting hammers, chipping hammers, pick hammers or similar]. It is a type-test procedure for establishing the magnitude of vibration in the gripping areas of a machine fitted with an inserted tool bit.
ISO 28927-10:2011 is applicable to hand-held machines, driven pneumatically or by other means, intended for making holes in hard materials, such as rock and concrete. It is also applicable to breakers intended to work downwards to break hard materials (concrete, rock, pavement, asphalt, etc.) and for hammers intended to work in any direction to perform riveting or chiselling work. It is not applicable to impact drills with direct mechanical impact mechanisms. ISO 28927-10:2011 is not applicable to jack leg type rock drills and push feed rock drills, which are hand guided (the feed force is not applied by hand, but by an additional device).

Related directives

Directives related to this standards.


Direktiva 2006/42/EC e Parlamentit Europian dhe e Këshillit të 17 majit 2006 për makinerinë, dhe amendimi i Direktivës 95/16/EC (rinovim)

Të harmonizuara

Life cycle


SSH EN 28662-5:2004

SSH EN 28662-2:2003

SSH EN 28662-3:2004


SSH EN ISO 28927-10:2011
60.60 Standard published
26 mar 2012

Related project

Adopted from EN ISO 28927-10:2011