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DS CEN/TS 13979-2:2011

Zbatime në hekurudhë - Set rrotash dhe karkasat - Rrotat monobllok - Procedura e miratimit teknik - Pjesa 2: Rrota të derdhura

Railway applications - Wheelsets and bogies - Monobloc wheels - Technical approval procedure - Part 2: Cast wheels
17 maj 2012

General information

60.60     17 maj 2012


DPS/KT 256

Technical Specification





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This Technical Specification defines the requirements for a cast monobloc wheel of a freight railway vehicle non-powered axle for use on a European network.
It only applies to wheels of new design or new European application.
These requirements are intended to assess the validity of the design choice for the proposed use.
The assessment of these requirements is the technical approval procedure.
This Technical Specification does not address the quality requirements for cast wheels. These quality requirements are defined in Technical Specification CEN/TS 15718.

Life cycle


DS CEN/TS 13979-2:2011
60.60 Standard published
17 maj 2012

Related project

Adopted from CEN/TS 13979-2:2011