This European Standard specifies the safety requirements and test methods for wheeled child conveyances, designed for the carriage of one or more children, up to 15 kg each and additional 20 kg on any integrated platform on which a child can stand.
This European Standard does not cover toys, shopping trolleys; baby carriers fitted with wheels; wheeled child conveyances propelled by a motor and wheeled child conveyances designed for children with special needs.
Where additional products are designed to be attached to a wheeled child conveyance, a hazard and risk analysis should be undertaken to identify any potential hazards.
Where a wheeled child conveyance or any part of the wheeled child conveyance has several functions or can be converted into another function it shall comply with the relevant standard.
SSH EN 1888:2003/A1:2005
SSH EN 1888:2003/A3:2005
SSH EN 1888:2003/A2:2005
SSH EN 1888:2012
Withdrawal of Standard
27 sht 2019