ISO 15883-4:2008 specifies the particular requirements, including performance, for washer-disinfectors (WDs) that are intended to be used for cleaning and chemical disinfection of thermolabile endoscopes.
ISO 15883-4:2008 also specifies the performance requirements for the cleaning and disinfection of the washer-disinfector and its components and accessories which may be required to achieve the necessary performance.
The methods, instrumentation and instructions required for type testing, works testing, validation (installation, operational and performance qualification on first installation), routine control and monitoring and re-validation, periodically and after essential repairs, are also specified.
ISO 15883-4:2008 can be used by prospective purchasers and manufacturers as the basis of agreement on the specification of WD manufacturers of endoscopes, cleaning products, disinfecting products, and also by users.
Directives related to this standards.
Direktiva 2007/47/EC e Parlamentit Europian dhe e Këshillit të 5 shtator 2007 amendon Direktivën e Këshillit 90/385/EEC mbi përafrimin e ligjeve të Shteteve Anëtare në lidhje me pajisje medicinale aktive transplatuese, Direktiva e Këshillit 93/42/EEC në lidhje me pajisjet mjekësore dhe Direktivën 98/8/EC në lidhje me vendosjen e produkteve biocide në treg
SSH EN ISO 15883-4:2009
Withdrawal of Standard
2 pri 2020
SSH EN ISO 15883-4:2018