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SSH EN 2624:2007

Seritë e hapësirës ajrore - Prova e impulsit të presionit tek komponentët e sistemit hidraulik

Aerospace series - Pressure impulse testing of hydraulic system components
27 maj 2011

General information

60.60     27 maj 2011


DPS/KT 256

European Norm





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This test method shall be used to verify the structural integrity of certain hydraulic components under pressure impulse-type loading.
For the purpose of pressure impulse testing the hydraulic system components shall be divided into passive and active components. This standard establishes the requirements and the procedures for impulse testing of passive hydraulic components only.
Unless otherwise specified in the detail specification or in existing component related standards, the following procedures shall be used.
Active hydraulic components shall be tested according to tailored test requirements as specified in detail specifications.

Life cycle


SSH EN 2624:2007
60.60 Standard published
27 maj 2011

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Adopted from EN 2624:2007


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