This European Standard provides guidelines for the measurement and evaluation of whole-body vibration at the workplace.
This European Standard describes the precautions to be taken to make representative vibration measurements and to determine the daily exposure time for each operation in order to calculate the daily exposure value standardized to an 8-h reference period. This European Standard provides a means to determine the relevant operations that should be taken into account when determining the vibration exposure.
This European Standard applies to situations where people are exposed to whole-body vibration at the workplace, transmitted through the buttocks for a seated person or through the feet for a standing person.
This European Standard is restricted to the evaluation of exposure to whole-body vibration using quantities derived from frequency-weighted root-mean-square acceleration. The frequency range considered is 0,5 Hz to 80 Hz. Where the vibration includes shocks or impacts, methods in this European Standard may underestimate the severity of the exposure. There is a need to assess the risks arising from exposure to whole-body shocks and high crest factor vibration. Methods for this are beyond the scope of this European Standard.
SSH EN 14253:2003
SSH EN 14253:2003+A1:2007
Standard published
27 tet 2011