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SSH EN 22857:1989

Meshkuj filetimi bazë për fileto metrike ISO për ashpërsi me tolerance nga 4H në 8H dhe hap të imët - Tolerancat e prodhimit në pjesët e filetuara (ISO 2857:1973 + A1:1984 +A2:1986)

Ground thread taps for ISO metric threads of tolerances 4H to 8H and 4G to 6G coarse and fine pitches - Manufacturing tolerances on the threaded portion (ISO 2857:1973 + A1:1984 +A2:1986)
26 maj 2011

General information

60.60     26 maj 2011


DPS/KT 114

European Norm





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Is valid for the short taps specified in ISO 529 as well as for any other kind of ground thread taps with the same diameters and pitches. The internal threads produced with those taps are conventionally designated by the simplified denomination of "nut" in agreement with the word used in ISO 965 for the general designation of all internal threads.

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SSH EN 22857:1989
60.60 Standard published
26 maj 2011

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Adopted from EN 22857:1989