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SSH CEN/TS 14577:2003

Materiale dhe artikuj në kontakt me ushqimin - Plastikat - Aditivët polimerë - Metoda e provës për përcaktimin e fraksionimit të masës të shtesave polimere që shtrihen nën 1000 Dalton

Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Polymeric additives - Test method for the determination of the mass fraction of a polymeric additive that lies below 1000 Daltons
1 jan 2006

General information

60.60     1 jan 2006


DPS/KT 275

Technical Specification

67.250     83.040.30  




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This Technical Specification specifies a test method to determine the mass fraction of a polymeric additive that falls below a MW of 1000. The method is applicable to polymeric additives per se - i.e. supplied in their usable form, before formulation into a plastic. The method is also applicable to polymeric additives extracted from finished plastic materials and articles, provided that precautions are taken to ensure the absence of any interference from any other co-extractives derived from the plastic.

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Materiale dhe artikuj të paracaktuar që të bien në kontakt me produkte ushqimore

Life cycle


SSH CEN/TS 14577:2003
60.60 Standard published
1 jan 2006

Related project

Adopted from CEN/TS 14577:2003