Seritë e hapësirës ajrore - Fisha lidhes optike, drejtkëndëshe, me shumë kontakte, mbajtëse dhe panel, zgavër Quadrax, diametër unaze 2,5 mm - temperatura e punës - 65 °C në 125 °C (kabllor të varur) - Kontakte direkte - Pjesa 002: Specifikimi i performancës dhe rrregullimi i kontaktit
Aerospace series - Connectors, optical, rectangular, multicontact, rack and panel, Quadrax cavity, 2,5 mm diameter ferrule - Operating temperatures - 65 °C to 125 °C (cable dependent) - Flush contacts - Part 002: Specification of performance and contact arrangements
This standard specifies the general characteristics, the conditions for qualification, acceptance and quality assurance, as well as the test programs and groups for fibre sub-assembly contacts in rack and panel connectors, intended for use in a temperature range from 65 °C to 125 °C continuous (cable dependent).
This standard specifies a pair of adaptors to fit with standard Quadrax cavities and EN 4531-101 optical contact.
Life cycle
PUBLISHED SSH EN 4626-002:2008 60.60
Standard published 26 sht 2011