The standard defines the physical characteristics of a disposable container for letters and flats for exchange within Europe, to use a uniform postal container and to facilitate the exchange of letters within Europe. The dimensions of this "1 level" of container will constitute a first step of standardization. The following features will be defined: - inner dimension compatible with formats; - compatibility between trays and pallets dimensions; - rigidity; - impermeability; - closing; - sealing (optional); - positioning; - label's dimension; - number of cycle of use; - volume of folded containers.
Directives related to this standards.
Rregulla të përgjithshme për zhvillimin e tregut të brendshëm të shërbimeve postale të Komunitetit dhe përmirësimi i cilësisë së shërbimit
SSH CEN/TS 14482:2006
Withdrawal of Standard
13 qer 2011
SSH EN 14482:2010