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SSH EN 10301:2004

Tubat prej çeliku dhe pajisjet për tubacionet në tokë dhe në bregdet - Veshjet e brendëshme për uljen e fërkimit për transportimin e gazeve jo korrodues

Steel tubes and fittings for on and offshore pipelines - Internal coating for the reduction of friction for conveyance of non corrosive gas
1 sht 2004

General information

60.60     1 sht 2004



European Norm

23.040.99     25.220.60     75.180.10  




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This European Standard specifies the application requirements and methods of test of liquid applied epoxy paints on the internal surface for the reduction of friction of tubes and pipeline fittings for conveyance of non-corrosive gas.
Other paints or paint systems are not excluded provided they comply with the requirements given in this standard.
The coating consist of one layer of liquid product, normally shop applied onto abrasive blast cleaned steel by airless spray or conventional spray techniques. Brush application may be used only for repairs.
The coating qualified in accordance with this standard is considered suitable for operating temperatures between
- 20 °C and + 110 °C.
In this European Standard the word "components" is used for tubes and fittings.

Life cycle


SSH EN 10301:2004
60.60 Standard published
1 sht 2004

Related project

Adopted from EN 10301:2003


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