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SSH EN 14892:2005

Shërbime transporti - Llogjistika në qytet - Udhëzimi për përcaktimin e hyrjes së kufizuar në qendrat e qytetit

Transport service - City logistics - Guideline for the definition of limited access to city centers
24 nën 2011

General information

60.60     24 nën 2011


DPS/KT 320

European Norm

03.100.10     03.220.20  




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This document describes possible restrictions for access to cities with city centres and shopping areas and other closed areas and provides guidelines for elements thereof with the aim as an interface between freight transport companies and local authorities to make transport planning and operations more efficient, to prevent bottlenecks in the area, and to protect the city environment.
This document is a code of good practice and can be applied when efficient transport and protection of the environment presupposes restrictions.

Life cycle


SSH EN 14892:2005
60.60 Standard published
24 nën 2011

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Adopted from EN 14892:2005


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