Seritë e hapësirës ajrore - Fisha lidhes, optike, rrethore, teke dhe me shume koka, çiftëzuar me unazë të filetuar, bokull me diametër 1,25mm me vetë-mbyllje me mbajtëse xhuntoje qëndërzuese të ndashme - Pjesa 004: Prizë me dado bllokuese - Standard produkti
Aerospace series - Connectors, optical, circular, single and multipin, coupled by threaded ring, self-locking 1,25 mm diameter ferrule with removable alignment sleeve holder - Part 004: Jam nut receptacle - Product standard
This European Standard specifies the characteristics of mounted jam nut receptacles in the family of circular connectors with triple start threaded coupling.
Life cycle
PUBLISHED SSH EN 4645-004:2009 60.60
Standard published 26 sht 2011