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SSH EN 15115:2006

Mbulesa tekstili për dysheme - Përcaktimi i ndjeshmërisë ndaj ujit të derdhur

Textile floor coverings - Determination of sensitivity to spilled water
15 korr 2011

General information

60.60     15 korr 2011


DPS/KT 248

European Norm

97.150     59.080.60  




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This European Standard specifies a method to determine the sensitivity of a textile floor covering for change in colour or structure after water has been spilled on the surface.
This change can be due to a real colour change or to a migration and concentration of chemicals from pre-coat or backing during the drying process. This concentration of chemicals on a part of the surface is one of the major causes of accelerated uneven soiling of textile floor covering.

Life cycle


SSH EN 15115:2006
60.60 Standard published
15 korr 2011

Related project

Adopted from EN 15115:2006