Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Standardizimit
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SSH EN 50272-1:2010

Kërkesat e sigurisë për bateritë dhe instalimet e baterive - Pjesa 1: Informacione të përgjithshme për sigurinë

Safety requirements for secondary batteries and battery installations - Part 1: General safety information
25 pri 2011
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard   25 pri 2019

General information

95.99     25 pri 2019



European Norm

13.260     29.130.20  




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This European Standard is Part 1 of EN 50272 under the generic title “Safety requirements for secondary batteries and battery installations” with nominal voltages up to DC 1 500 V (low voltage directive) and specifies the basic requirements referred to in the other parts of the standard as follows: - Part 2 Stationary batteries - Part 3 Traction batteries - Part 4 Batteries for use in portable appliances The requirements regarding safety, reliability, life expectancy, mechanical strength, cycle stability, internal resistance, and battery temperature, are determined by various applications, and this, in turn, determines the selection of the battery design and technology. In general, the requirements and definitions are specified for lead-acid and nickel-cadmium batteries. For other battery systems, the requirements may be applied accordingly. The standard covers safety aspects taking into account hazards associated with: • electricity (installation, charging, discharging, etc.); • electrolyte; • inflammable gas mixtures; • storage and transportation. With respect to electrical safety, reference is made to EN 60364-4-41.

Life cycle


SSH EN 50272-1:2010
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard
25 pri 2019


SSH EN IEC 62485-1:2018

Related project

Adopted from EN 50272-1:2010