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SSH EN 60068-2-74:1999

Kontrolli i mjedisit - Metodat e provave - Pjesa 2 - 74 : Prova Xc - Kontaminimi me rrjedhje

Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests - Test Xc: Fluid contamination
30 nën 2006

General information

60.60     1 jan 2007



European Norm





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Gives a method of test which provides a standard procedure to determine the ability of components, equipments or their constituent materials to withstand accidental contact with fluids, without being unacceptably affected. The fluids listed are representative of those commonly encountered in operational applications. It is not intended that a specimen should be exposed to all, or even any of them. Nor is the list intended to be complete; fluids not listed and for which a test is appropriate should be included in the relevant specification. Guidance is given in Annex A on the choice of test fluids, specimens and severities. These tests are not intended to demonstrate the suitability of components or equipments to perform in continuous contact with a fluid, e.g. an immersed fuel pump. Nor are they a test to demonstrate immunity from electrolytic corrosion.

Life cycle


SSH EN 60068-2-74:1999
60.60 Standard published
1 jan 2007

Related project

Adopted from EN 60068-2-74:1999

Adopted from IEC 60068-2-74 Ed. 1.0 b