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SSH EN 50130-5:1998

Sistemet e alarmit - Pjesa 5: Metodat e provës se mjedisit

Alarm systems - Part 5: Environmental test methods
28 gush 2008
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard   17 dhj 2014

General information

95.99     17 dhj 2014


DPS/KT 114

European Norm

13.320     19.040  




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This standard specifies environmental test methods to be used for testing the system components of the following alarm systems, intended for use in and around buildings: Intruder alarm systems; Hold-up alarm systems; Social alarm systems; CCTV systems, for security applications; Access control systems, for security applications; Alarm transmission systems. This standard specifies three equipment classes (Fixed, Movable & Portable equipment) and four environmental classes. The environmental classes only include the general service environments envisaged for equipment installed in typical residential, commercial and industrial environments. It may be necessary for the product standard to require additional or different environmental tests or severities where there could be specific environmental problems (e.g. some different severities may be required for break glass detectors stuck to glass windows, due to the local extremes of temperature and humidity); the test exposure falls within the intended detection phenomenon of the detector (e.g. during a vibration test on a seismic detector). In order to provide reproducible test methods and to avoid the proliferation of technically similar test methods, the test procedures have been chosen, where possible, from internationally accepted standards. (e.g. IEC Publications). For specific guidance on these tests, reference should be made to the appropriate document, which is indicated in the relevant sub-section. For more general guidance and background information on environmental testing reference should be made to IEC-Publications 60068-1 and 60068-3. This standard does not specify the requirements or performance criteria to be applied, which should be specified in the relevant product standard; special tests only applicable to a particular device (e.g. the effects of turbulent air draughts on ultrasonic movement detectors); basic safety requirements, such as protection against electrical shocks, unsafe operation, insulation coordination and related dielectric tests; tests relating to deliberate acts of damage or tampering

Life cycle


SSH EN 50130-5:1998
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard
17 dhj 2014


SSH EN 50130-5:2011

Related project

Adopted from EN 50130-5:1998