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SSH EN 15629:2008

Sistemet statike të magazinimit të çelikut - Specifikimi i pajisjes magazinuese

Steel static storage systems - Specification of storage equipment
20 dhj 2010

General information

60.60     20 dhj 2010


DPS/KT 320

European Norm





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This European Standard supplies guidelines for the technical specification to allow the design of racking and shelving in its various forms such as adjustable pallet racking (APR), crane serviced racking, drive-in racking (DIR), cantilever racking and shelving systems, including their various forms of construction, using manually operated and controlled mechanical handling systems. Some other forms of storage equipments are only partially covered and further consideration, beyond the scope of this document, may be required.
This European Standard gives guidance for the specifier of storage systems to coordinate suppliers of all equipment including individual responsibilities.
This European Standard does not cover storage equipments manufactured from materials other than steel (except for certain accessories) and equipment intended to be used for domestic storage purposes.

Life cycle


SSH EN 15629:2008
60.60 Standard published
20 dhj 2010

Related project

Adopted from EN 15629:2008