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SSH EN ISO 15011-3:2009

Shëndeti dhe siguria gjatë saldimit dhe në proceset e lidhura me të - Metoda laboratorike për marrjen e mostrave të tymit dhe gazeve që dalin nga harku i saldimit - Pjesa 3: Përcaktimi i përqëndrimit të ozonit duke përdorur matjet në një pikë fikse

Health and safety in welding and allied processes - Laboratory method for sampling fume and gases - Part 3: Determination of ozone emission rate during arc welding (ISO 15011-3:2009)
28 tet 2010

General information

60.60     1 jan 2009


DPS/KT 133

European Norm

13.100     25.160.10  




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ISO 15011-3:2009 defines a laboratory method for measuring the emission rate of ozone during arc welding, using a hood technique. The method is directed primarily at measuring ozone emission rate when using gas-shielded arc welding processes, but it can also be employed with other processes, e.g. self-shielded flux-cored arc welding, provided that welding can be performed automatically under the hood.

Life cycle


SSH EN ISO 15011-3:2005


SSH EN ISO 15011-3:2009
60.60 Standard published
1 jan 2009

Related project

Adopted from EN ISO 15011-3:2009