ISO 12401:2009 specifies the requirements for performance, sizing, marking and test methods for deck safety harnesses and safety lines on recreational craft.
It is applicable to harnesses and lines in the following sizes of body mass (multisizing is permitted):
size 1: > 50 kg ;
size 2: > 20 kg ≤ 50 kg;
size 3: ≤ 20 kg;
which are intended to be worn by all persons when in the exposed cockpit or on the working deck of a craft afloat.
It is not applicable to dinghy 'trapeze' harnesses, windsurfing harnesses, seat harnesses for fast motor boats, and harnesses intended to protect against falls from a height.
Directives related to this standards.
Direktivë e Këshillit që amendon Direktivën 90/396/EEC (enë të thjeshta presioni), 88/378/EEC (siguria e lojrave), 89/106/EEC (produkte ndërtimi), 89/336/EEC (kompatibiliteti elektromagnetik), 89/392/EEC (makineria), 89/686/EEC (pajisje mbrojtëse personale), 90/384/EEC (instrumenta automatikë të peshimit), 90/385/EEC (pajisje aktive mjekësore të implantueshme), 90/396/EEC (pajisje shtëpiake që djegin lëndë djegëse në gjendje të gaztë), 91/263/EEC (pajisje të terminaleve të telekominukacionit), 92/42/EEC dhe 73/23/EEC
SSH EN 1095:2006
SSH EN ISO 12401:2009
Standard published
28 pri 2010