Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Standardizimit
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SSH EN 13195-1:2006

Alumini dhe aliazhet e aluminit - Produkte të farkëtuara dhe të derdhura për t'u përdorur në marinë ( anije ndërtimi. marinë dhe në det të hapur) - Pjesa 1: Specifikimet

Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Wrought and cast products for marine applications (shipbuilding, marine and offshore) - Part 1: Specifications
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard   28 tet 2010

General information

95.99     28 tet 2010


DPS/KT 256

European Norm

47.020.01     77.150.10  


This European Standard specifies properties and technical conditions for inspection and delivery of wrought and cast aluminium and aluminium alloy products recommended for marine applications such as shipbuilding, maritime and offshore applications.
It applies to flat rolled products (sheet, strip and plate), extruded products (rod/bar, tube and profile), cold drawn products (rod/bar and tube), forgings and castings.
This document is to be used in conjunction with relevant European, national or international regulations as applicable, to which it comes in support.
This part of this European Standard covers :
- wrought products in aluminium alloys for structural applications (see clauses 3 and 4) ;
- wrought products in aluminium and aluminium alloys for non-structural applications (see clauses 3 and 5) ;
- rivets in aluminium alloys (see clause 5) ;
- castings in aluminium alloys (see clause 6).
NOTE 1 Information is given in annex A to guide the user in the selection of aluminium and aluminium alloys and tempers for various applications, including the corrosion behaviour, the welding, riveting, machining and forming properties.
NOTE 2 Some of the products listed in the present standard can be subject to patent or patent applications, and their listing herein does not in any way imply the granting of a licence under such patent right.
CEN/TC 132 affirms it is its policy that in the case when a patentee refuses to grant licenses on standardised standard products under reasonable and not discriminatory conditions, then this product shall be removed from the corresponding standard.

Life cycle


SSH EN 13195-1:2006
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard
28 tet 2010


SSH EN 13195:2009

Related project

Adopted from EN 13195-1:2002


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