This standard specifies methods for quantifying the effects of vehicle body motions on ride comfort for passengers and vehicle assessment with respect to ride comfort. The effect considered is:
discomfort, associated with relatively low levels of acceleration and roll velocity.
Other effects, not included in the standard, are associated with higher acceleration levels:
health risk effect: physical damage and psychological deterioration.
The standard applies to passengers travelling in railway vehicles on railway lines, including main, secondary and suburban lines. This standard could be used as a guide for other railway vehicles, for example locomotives, metros, trams, etc.
The standard applies to passengers in good health.
This standard applies to measurements of motions. It also applies to simulated motions.
Directives related to this standards.
Procedura prokurimi të entiteteve që veprojnë në sektorët e ujit, energjisë, transportit dhe telekomunikacionit
Direktiva 2001/16/EC e Parlamentit Europian dhe e Këshillit e 19 marsit 2001 mbi ndërveprimin e sistemit hekurudhor konvencional trans-evropian
DIREKTIVA 2008/57/EC E PARLAMENTIT EUROPIAN DHE E KËSHILLIT datës 17 qershor 2008 mbi ndërveprimin e sistemit hekurudhor brenda Komunitetit (rinovim)
SSH ENV 12299:1999
SSH EN 12299:2009
Standard published
25 sht 2009
prSSH EN 12299:2025