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DS CEN ISO/TS 8662-11:2004

Mjete motorike portative që mbahen në dorë - Matja e vibracioneve në dorezë - Pjesa 11: Vegla për shtrëngimin e mbërthyesve (ISO 8662-11:1999 + Amd. 1:2001)

Hand-held portable power tools - Measurement of vibrations at the handle - Part 11: Fastener driving tools (ISO 8662-11:1999 + Amd. 1:2001)
28 jan 2008
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard   12 shk 2025

General information

95.99     12 shk 2025


DPS/KT 114

Technical Specification

13.160     25.140.99  




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This part of ISO 8662 specifies a laboratory method for measuring the single-event vibration at the handle of
fastener driving tools, where a single event is a mechanical shock or a series of individual shocks at intervals longer
than 0,2 s. It is a type test procedure for establishing the vibration value in the handle of a hand-held power tool
operating under a specified load.
NOTE Fastener driving tools are also referred to as nailers, pinners, tackers and staplers.
For fastener driving tools to which this part of ISO 8662 is applicable, the power required for operation can be
supplied by pneumatic or hydraulic pressure, combustible gases in an internal combustion engine or from spring
tension. The fastener driving tools may be actuated by single actuation, contact actuation or continuous actuation.
This part of ISO 8662 is applicable to fasteners comprising nails, staples, pins, corrugated fasteners, screws used
as nails, dowels, sleeves, cable collars and base supports.
It is intended that the results of application of this part of ISO 8662 be used for comparing different models of the
same type of power tool.

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Directives related to this standards.



Life cycle


DS CEN ISO/TS 8662-11:2004
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard
12 shk 2025


SSH EN ISO 28927-13:2022

Related project

Adopted from CEN ISO/TS 8662-11:2004