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SSH EN ISO 2307:2005

Fibrat litarë - Përcaktimi i disa vetive fizike dhe mekanike (ISO 2307:2005)

Fibre ropes - Determination of certain physical and mechanical properties (ISO 2307:2005)
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard   28 pri 2011

General information

95.99     28 pri 2011


DPS/KT 248

European Norm



1.1 This European Standard specifies, for ropes of different kinds, a method of determining each of the following characteristics:
- linear density;
- lay length;
- braided pitch;
- elongation;
- breaking force.
1.2 The linear density, lay length and braided pitch are measured with the rope under a specified tension called the reference tension as per Annex A.
1.3 The elongation corresponds to the measured increase in length of the rope when the tension to which it is subjected is increased from an initial value (reference tension) to a value equal to 50 % of the minimum specified breaking strength of the rope.
1.4 The breaking force is the maximum force registered (or reached) during a breaking test on the test piece, carried out on a tensile testing machine with constant rate of traverse of the moving element. The breaking force values given in the tables of rope specifications are only valid when this type of testing machine is used.
NOTE When it is not possible to test the whole section of rope, the method described in Annex B can be used, subject to agreement between the parties involved.
1.5 This standard also provides a method for measuring water repellency, lubrication and finish content and heat setting treatment when requested by the customer.

Life cycle


SSH EN ISO 2307:2005
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard
28 pri 2011


SSH EN 919:2003

SSH EN ISO 2307:2010

Related project

Adopted from EN ISO 2307:2005


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