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SSH EN 14198:2004

Zbatime në hekurudhë - Frenimi - Kërkesat për sistemin e frenimit të trenave të tërhequr nga lokomotiva

Railway applications - Braking - Requirements for the brake system of trains hauled by a locomotive
14 maj 2007
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard   20 tet 2017

General information

95.99     20 tet 2017


DPS/KT 256

European Norm





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This document specifies basic requirements for the braking of trains hauled by locomotives, including individual vehicles operating on routes of the European railways and their infrastructure systems.
These minimum requirements apply on 2 levels:
- at the train level, as the braking is dependent upon the braking command being communicated throughout the entire train;
- at the vehicle level, so as to ensure the braking system and equipment is configured and dimensioned upon that vehicle in such a way that the required braking effort is developed for the train.'
This document covers:
- all new vehicle designs;
- all major overhauls if they involve redesigning or extensive alteration to the brake system of the vehicle concerned;
- all new builds of existing vehicle designs.
This document does not cover vehicles that require special operational management (e.g. track-laying machines).
This document applies specifically to the following types of trains, vehicles and infrastructures:
a) trains:
- consisting of one or more locomotives and vehicles hauled by a locomotive (including reversible trains);
- the composition of the train can be changed as required during operation (coupling capability);
- the maximum speed is greater than or equal to 80 km/h to 200 km/h;
- the vehicle gauge and track gauge are not specified;
- the power supply of the locomotive(s) is not specified.

b) vehicles:
- locomotives;
- passenger vehicles (day vehicles, restaurant vehicles, sleeper vehicles, driving trailers, baggage vehicles, etc.);
- freight vehicles
c) infrastructures

The railways have operating rules which are applicable to braking powers and are related to their infrastructure. Tables A.1 and A.2 give a summary of the minimum braking power requirements as a function of the infrastructure and maximum speed of the trains.

For applications not covered by any of these requirements, these requirements are specified by the customer/operator or the r

Related directives

Directives related to this standards.


Procedura prokurimi të entiteteve që veprojnë në sektorët e ujit, energjisë, transportit dhe telekomunikacionit

Life cycle


SSH EN 14198:2004
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard
20 tet 2017


SSH EN 14198:2016

Related project

Adopted from EN 14198:2004