This European Standard details a thermal cycling test under vacuum for the screening of materials and processes intended for use in the fabrication of spacecraft and associated equipment. The test determines the ability of these or other articles to withstand changes of ambient temperature under vacuum.
Typical materials or assemblies that can be evaluated by means of this test method are listed below. This is not an exhaustive list and other products or items can be tested:
- adhesives;
- adhesive bonded joints;
- coatings (paint, thermal and protective);
- insulating materials;
- metallic bonded joints;
- metallic samples, finished by plating or chemical conversion;
- metallized plastic films;
- organic or non-organic bonding;
- plated surfaces;
- potting compounds;
- pressure-sensitive tapes;
- printed circuit boards;
- reinforced structural laminates;
- sealants;
- soldered or welded joints.
SSH EN 14098:2001
Standard published
29 dhj 2006