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SSH EN 13628-1:2006

Paketimi - Material paketues fleksibël - Përcaktimi i tretësit mbetës me anë të gaz kromatografisë statike me parainjektor headspace - Pjesa 1: Metoda absolute

Packaging - Flexible packaging material - Determination of residual solvents by static headspace gas chromatography - Part 1: Absolute methods
1 maj 2006

General information

60.60     1 maj 2006


DPS/KT 261

European Norm





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This part 1 describes methods for the quantitative determination of residual solvents in flexible packaging by static headspace chromatography. The chemical identities of the residual solvents to be determined by this must be known before commencing the analysis. During the analysis there may be interferences from possible products of thermal decomposition. Residues from thermal decomposition products are not within the scope of this standard. Additional peaks due to these products shall not be considered for evaluation of residual solvents.

Related directives

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Radha e sasive të lejuara dhe kapacitetet e lejuara për para-ambalazhimin e produkteve


Rendi i sasive nominale dhe kapaciteteve nominale të lejuara oër disa produkte të para-paketuara (Amendim ndaj Direktivës 80/232/EEC)

Life cycle


SSH EN 13628-1:2006
60.60 Standard published
1 maj 2006

Related project

Adopted from EN 13628-1:2002


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