This European Standard specifies performance, security and safety requirements (including test methods) for single point bolts and their associated keeps, used to secure, or increase the security of, doors or windows in buildings; where operation is by lever, knob, slide, pull, etc, or removable implement (but not a multiple differ key) from the protected side of the leaf only. Spring engaging bolts, and bolts with locking facility are included if they are, by definition, bolts (see 3.1.1).
Directives related to this standards.
Rregullorja (BE) Nr. 305/2011 e Parlamentit Evropian dhe e Këshillit e datës 9 Mars 2011 që parashtron kushtet e harmonizuara për tregtimin e produkteve të ndërtimit dhe shfuqizimin e Direktivës së Këshillit KEE/89/106
SSH EN 12051:1999
Standard published
29 dhj 2006