Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Standardizimit
Phone: +355 4 222 62 55
E-mail: info@dps.gov.al
Address: Address: "Reshit Collaku" Str., (nearby ILDKPKI, VI floor), Po.Box 98, Tiranë - Albania


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Packaging of components for automatic handling - Part 7: Introduction of a bulk blister pack for miniaturized components

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 7 more

Standard data element types with associated classification scheme for electric components - Part 6: IEC Common Data Dictionary (IEC CDD) quality guidelines

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 4 more

International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Part 114: Electrochemistry

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 6 more

Electronic components - Long-term storage of electronic semiconductor devices - Part 4: Storage

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 7 more

Environmental standardization for electrical and electronic products and systems - Glossary of terms

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 6 more

Technical documentation for the assessment of electrical and electronic products with respect to the restriction of hazardous substances

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 6 more

Identification and communication interoperability method for external power supplies used with portable computing devices

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 9 more

General method to declare the use of critical raw materials in energy-related products

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 6 more

Methods for providing information relating to material efficiency aspects of energy-related products

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 6 more

Marking of electrical and electronic equipment in accordance with Article 11(2) of Directive 2002/96/EC (WEEE)

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 6 more

Marking of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) in respect to separate collection of waste EEE (WEEE)

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 6 more

Long duration storage of electronic components - Specification for implementation

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 7 more

Technical documentation for the assessment of electrical and electronic products with respect to the restriction of hazardous substances

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 6 more

Requirements for the preparing for re-use of waste electrical and electronic equipment

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 6 more

Amendment 1 - International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) - Part 114: Electrochemistry

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 4 more

International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) - Part 702: Oscillations, signals and related devices

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 4 more

Amendment 1 - International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) - Part 702: Oscillations, signals and related devices

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 4 more

Amendment 2 - International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) - Part 702: Oscillations, signals and related devices

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 4 more